Service Excellence
Telephone etiquette is the most underrated skill in communication as it does not involve face-to-face interaction or the written word, the two areas where most training in business communication is concentrated on. However, with the rapid changes in the modes of modern communication, particularly in mobile phone technology, and the new ways of doing business globally such as the outsourcing of call centers, telephone skills are fast gaining recognition as a necessary and important skill in today’s world.
Learning Content:
- Project a positive image of themselves and their employer’s organization
- Provide courteous and people-oriented telephone services
- Empathic listening
- Handle difficult people and address their concerns, issues, and complaints
- Enhance personal and organizational productivity through effective telephone handling
- Stay cool, calm, and collected
- Avoid potential adverse reputational issues arising from mishandling telephone calls
Program Overview
Successful organisations continually Satisfy Customers, Increase Customer Base, Prevent Brand Switching, Address and Solve Problems, and Delight their Customers. Leaders of these successful organisations are proficient at developing and implementing targeted and customer-centric strategies. These leaders understand their company’s vision, mission, and values. They are aware of internal and external conditions and possess skills to utilize these conditions to continually enhance customer experience and satisfaction.
Learning Content:
- Learn Survey Strategies to determine CSI – Customer Satisfaction Index
- Understand SWOT for Strategy Development
- Master Process Mapping for Strategy Implementation
- Practise Goal Setting for Strategy Action Planning
- Evaluate customer preferences through various channels and devise relevant resolution strategies
- Lead service enhancement initiative
- Get everyone involved in playing their part in the overall service strategy
- Utilize process mapping techniques to develop effective and customer-centric processes
This program is designed for Telesales Executives and their Team Leaders. Telesales professionals are a unique breed that has to be thick-skinned to deal with objections and rejections. They need amazing self-discipline, self-motivation, and resilience to keep moving forward through the smoke screen of objections to find sales day in and day out. They need to be professional listeners and eloquent speakers. They realize that they can only survive in this high pressure environment if they begin to look at the world through their customers’ perspective and act accordingly. They employ proven rapport building telephone techniques to gain trust and prosper. They are masters at the ability to create pictures in the prospect’s mind through what they say and how they say it. To top it all off, they require razor sharp consultative selling skills to solve customer problems through offering the most beneficial solutions.
Impact Telephone Selling Dialogue
- Is your dialogue logically sequenced?
- Telesales agents talking too much or not talking enough?
- Does your dialogue uncover the customer’s need?
- How much of the script is asking the customer to express his or her needs, requirements, situations, pain points, and more?
- Are product benefits being sold effectively in your script?
- Is your script able to generate Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action?
Learning Content:
- Get past the gatekeeper with strategy and confidence
- Structure calls more effectively
- Improve skills in telephone communication
- Cross sell other products if required
- Improve questioning and listening skills
- Identify customers’ real needs and match with appropriate benefits.
- Sharpen their closing skills in order to clinch the sale
- Handle objections effectively and treat them as new opportunities
- Build better relationships with difficult prospects using empathy
- Recognize each prospect’s unique telephone personality and tailor offering accordingly
- Seek buying signals and act accordingly
- Employ a strategic telesales management system
- Enhance skills through Telesales and Customer Service training
Difficult situations are inevitable in a service industry especially when we deal with various customers who are bent on getting their way. A complaint is basically an expression of customer distress towards a situation that differs from his expectations of the service rendered. Although a complaint implies negative ramifications, it actually presents the service provider with the opportunity to offer redress and restore a customer’s confidence, as well as attaining customer satisfaction. Neglect or mishandling of a complaint would have serious repercussions to the service organization by way of loss of customer and subsequent damage to the organization’s reputation. The difference between the service rendered is easily measured by the method of handling complaints and recovering from difficult situations.
Learning Content
Understand the reasons customers become difficult and work towards preventing such situations.
Foster discussion and understanding on the nature of a dissatisfaction.
Understand and manage our emotions when dealing with different types of customers.
Value and welcome complaints as opportunities to provide redress and attain customer trust and satisfaction.
Respond to criticism better.
Acquire skills to handle difficult customers.
Learn to say YES! Even when it seems like a NO!
Know the usage of correct words, tone, and body language when dealing with various types of difficult customers.
Know the necessary steps to be taken to solve a complaint (listen, understand, identify, discuss solutions, and solve).
Employ effective EQ listening skills in handling various customer types.
Employ powerful service recovery methods to renew customer confidence and increase loyalty.